Jun 29, 2024

Getting Current Timestamp in JavaScript

Learn how to retrieve the current timestamp in JavaScript using various methods for precise time handling in web development.

To retrieve the current timestamp in JavaScript, you have several options depending on your requirements. A timestamp in JavaScript typically represents the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, UTC (Epoch time). Here’s how you can get it:

1. Using Date.now()

The Date.now() method returns the number of milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC.

const currentTimestamp = Date.now();
console.log("Current timestamp:", currentTimestamp);

// Current timestamp: 1719672269424

2. Using new Date().getTime()

You can also get the current timestamp by creating a new Date object and calling the getTime() method on it, which returns the same value as Date.now().

const currentTimestamp = new Date().getTime();
console.log("Current timestamp:", currentTimestamp);

// Current timestamp: 1719672269424

3. Using new Date().valueOf()

Another equivalent method is valueOf(), which returns the primitive value of a Date object as a number, representing the timestamp.

const currentTimestamp = new Date().valueOf();
console.log("Current timestamp:", currentTimestamp);

// Current timestamp: 1719672269424

Understanding Timestamps in JavaScript


Obtaining the current timestamp in JavaScript is straightforward and can be achieved using built-in methods like Date.now(), new Date().getTime(), or new Date().valueOf(). Choose the method that best fits your coding style and project requirements.